建行为您提供符合您需要的支票账户. 最低存款额为25美元,您可以在我们三种支票账户中任意一种开户. No matter the checking account, 您将获得免费的网上和手机银行服务, 以及一张免费的万事达®借记卡. 今天就开一个账户,把它从你的待办事项清单上划掉!
CCB Advantage Checking
A simpler way to bank
- Discount on Service Fees*
- 全国自动取款机退款高达10美元***
- Link to CCB Advantage Savings to build savings
- 没有获得奖励的最低余额
- Free Mastercard® debit card
- $25 minimum deposit to open
Basic Banking Checking
Get back to basics
- 通过注册直接存款来避免每月3美元的服务费
- 前12张支票免费(0美元).20 each thereafter)
- Free Mastercard® debit card
- $25 minimum deposit to open
Gold Club Now Checking
- 仅限50岁及以上客户使用
- 有息支票帐户
- 当您注册直接存款时,可享受我们的黄金时代会员福利:
- Free checks for life
- 免费纸质报表,方便参考和存储
- 免费透支保护转账
- No monthly service fee
- 没有最低余额要求
- 免费网上银行和账单支付
- 免费黄金俱乐部万事达卡®借记卡浮雕“黄金时代俱乐部会员”,提供比建行借记卡更高的每日限额
- $25 minimum deposit to open
- Free telephone banking
Have Questions?
Reorder Checks | Routing Number
*在前一个月的资格周期中,当每个月的所有注册和资格都得到满足时,将获得奖励. Qualifications each month include: (1) 10 POS transaction purchases post and settle; pin or signature based. (2) Receive E-statements. (3) 1次自动付款或直接存款邮寄结算. 符合条件的:(1)全国ATM手续费退款适用于建行ATM手续费2美元.50 incurred per month and will be reimbursed up to $10 per month; limitations apply. (2) Purchase of a CCB Cashier’s Check fee will be discounted $2; no limit on discount per month. (2) Domestic Incoming Wire Transfer Fee will be discounted $5; limit one discount per month. (3) Domestic Outgoing Wire Transfer Fee will be discounted $5; limit one discount per month. (4) Paid NSF fee will be discounted $5; limit up to four discounts per month. (5) Returned NSF fee will be discounted $5; limit up to four discounts per month. 在费用转入并结算到符合条件的建行优势支票账户时适用的折扣.
***全国ATM机费用退款适用于建行ATM机费用2美元.50 incurred per month and will be reimbursed up to $10 per month; Other Foreign ATM fees not included; limitations apply.